Category: History & Culture

  • Malaysia’s New Billionaire King: Luxury Cars, Private Jets and Secrets of the Royal Lifestyle

    Malaysia’s New Billionaire King: Luxury Cars, Private Jets and Secrets of the Royal Lifestyle

    Malaysia has a unique electoral monarchy system where a new king is elected to the throne every five years. The heads of the nine royal families take turns ruling the country as king. Malaysia now has a new monarch – the billionaire Sultan Ibrahim Iskandar. He recently took the oath of office in a grand…

  • The Future is Bright for Indonesia’s Economy and Political Stability

    The Future is Bright for Indonesia’s Economy and Political Stability

    Indonesia has made impressive economic progress over the past 20 years, significantly narrowing the development gap with neighboring countries like Malaysia and even outperforming major emerging economies like India. With a pivotal presidential election coming up in 2024, political stability will be key to unleashing Indonesia’s massive potential over the next decade. During a recent…

  • From Kazakhstan to Malaysia: An Expat Shares Her Journey to Becoming a Durian Lover in a Bustling City

    From Kazakhstan to Malaysia: An Expat Shares Her Journey to Becoming a Durian Lover in a Bustling City

    Meet Madina, an entrepreneur originally from Kazakhstan who moved to Malaysia in 2009. Now, over 10 years later, she runs several businesses around the world and has fully immersed herself into Malaysian culture—including developing a passion for durian! In this article, Madina shares her journey on: Adapting to Malaysian Foods Over Time When Madina first…

  • The Kindness of Strangers: A Polish Woman’s Perspective on Living in Malaysia

    The Kindness of Strangers: A Polish Woman’s Perspective on Living in Malaysia

    When Aata moved from Poland to Malaysia 7 years ago, she was struck by the kindness and hospitality she received. As an entrepreneur and YouTuber living in nearby Singapore, I was fascinated to sit down with Aata and learn more about her experiences as a foreigner assimilating into Malaysian culture. In our conversation, Aata shares…

  • How an Australian Learned to Speak Fluent Malay

    How an Australian Learned to Speak Fluent Malay

    Learning a new language takes time, effort, and immersion. For one Australian expat who has called Malaysia home for over 30 years, his journey to fluency in the Malay language has opened doors to understanding the culture and people. In a recent interview, Max shared insights on: From Losing His Aussie Accent to Blending Right…

  • Why This 69 Year Old American Sold His House and Moved to Malaysia

    Why This 69 Year Old American Sold His House and Moved to Malaysia

    Malaysia is often overlooked as a retirement destination for Western expats, but American YouTuber Andrew Taylor believes it offers an unbeatable lifestyle. After selling his house in Florida, the 69-year old moved to the Malaysian state of Penang eight years ago and hasn’t looked back since. I sat down with Andrew to discuss the move,…

  • The Rise and Fall of Top Glove – Malaysia’s Largest Glove Company

    The Rise and Fall of Top Glove – Malaysia’s Largest Glove Company

    This is the story of how Malaysian billionaire Tan Sri Lim Wee Chai lost over RM20 billion in net worth within 2 years due to the dramatic fall of Top Glove Corporation Berhad amidst global economic changes. Top Glove is the world’s largest rubber glove manufacturer, producing about 1 in every 5 gloves globally. In…

  • How a Romanian Expat Built a Life in Malaysia

    How a Romanian Expat Built a Life in Malaysia

    When Katie first arrived in Malaysia from Romania in 2012, she only planned to stay for a little while. But 11 years, two kids, and seven house moves later, Katie and her family are happily settled in Malaysia. Katie’s experience provides an insightful look into the expat experience of adapting to Malaysian culture. In this…

  • Why Kuala Lumpur is Such a Popular Tourist Destination

    Why Kuala Lumpur is Such a Popular Tourist Destination

    Kuala Lumpur, commonly referred to as KL, is the capital and largest city of Malaysia. Over the past few decades, it has become an increasingly popular destination for tourists from all over the world. There are many reasons why KL continues to draw visitors in large numbers year after year. Easy Accessibility Makes KL a…

  • Why Consider Moving to Malaysia

    Why Consider Moving to Malaysia

    Malaysia is a top choice for many expats looking to move abroad. What makes Malaysia so appealing? There are several key reasons Malaysia stands out: Diverse and Multicultural Malaysia has an extremely diverse population with Malay, Chinese, Indian and large expat communities. This mix makes settling in and feeling at home much easier. English-Widely Spoken…